Sober Bliss

Sober Bliss

Gayle Macdonald

The Sober Bliss Podcast bringing you hints, tips, advice and inspiration as you walk your path to living a rich and full alcohol-free life. Discover why sobriety is the most loving gift of self care and self love, and how you can feel empowered and joyous with your choice to live the abundant life of alcohol-freedom you deserve. I'm Gayle Macdonald, coach, mentor, mum, and tea drinker! I'm here to help you to transform your relationship with alcohol in a way that feels good, so you can live the life you deserve without alcohol holding you back.

Categories: Health

Listen to the last episode:

When Your New Year Doesn’t Start Well and What to Do About It is the podcast that will help you get back on track if the year hasn't started well for you.

If you've struggled with Dry January, if your life goals are feeling difficult or if you're facing unexpected difficulties or challenges, this episode will help you out.

You will discover

  • How I found my way back to a place of calm and ease after our New Year setback
  • Practical tips for navigating unexpected challenges
  • Why going within and slowing down is the most powerful thing you can do
  • Simple daily rituals that will guide and support you
  • The one mindset shift that changed everything for me


Resources mentioned in the episode

The Lunar Retreat

My book. Sober Bliss. Quit Drinking, Feel Good

This post about the worst year of our lives 

Substack. The Shadow of a Butterfly

Book a Free Call

Powerful Journaling Prompts

Previous episodes

  • 99 - When Your New Year Doesn’t Start Well and What to do about It 
    Thu, 08 Feb 2024
  • 98 - How to Rock Dry January with Casey Davidson - Hello Someday 
    Fri, 05 Jan 2024
  • 97 - Sober Bliss: Quit Drinking. Feel Good - An Introduction to my book 
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023
  • 96 - Ten Ways to Feel Good This Sober October 
    Fri, 06 Oct 2023
  • 95 - Sober Vibes with Courtney Andersen 
    Mon, 25 Sep 2023
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